Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to make a Pine Cone Turkey

I love to use pine cones to decorate my home, especially in the fall and winter. One of the ways I thought of using a pine cone to decorate was to make it a turkey! If you look at the bottom of a pine cone, it kind of looks like the feather from a turkey, so I thought  this might make a nice craft for Thanksgiving.

You will need a few supplies:
Pine Cone
Feathers (you can get these at
Colored Pipe Cleaners (I chose black, yellow and red) (you can usually find these at a dollar store)
Hot Glue Gun

First, you will take the pine cone and wrap the black pipe cleaner around the tip of the cone (I wrapped mine below the first "tier".

I then made a small "loop" at the top and came back down to secure it and create a head for the turkey. Cut off the excess of the black pipe cleaner. Then wrap the yellow pipe cleaner around the black pipe cleaner for a beak and cut off the excess.

Do the same with the red pipe cleaner, wrapping it around the black pipe cleaner, below the yellow "beak"to make the turkey's wattle.

Cut off the excess red pipe cleaner. Then take the rest of the yellow pipe cleaner and wrap it around the pine cone (about 2-3 "tiers" down) so that half the pipe cleaner is on one side and half is on the other.

Then twist the pipe cleaner at the bottom and make the "feet" by bending the ends. Cut off any excess yellow pipe cleaner.  Now you are ready to start gluing in the feathers. My kids pick out their feathers and then arrange them on the table the way they would like to be placed. I do the gluing because the hot glue gun can get so hot. I glue the feather in the last "tier" on the cone.

Once you glue in the feathers, you now have a fun little turkey for decoration or you can make a bunch of them to use for place card holders!

Here are a few my family and I made:

Hope you have fun making a pine cone turkey! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Gobble Gobble!


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